Allergic to Your Dog? Don't Despair – Here's What to Do

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Allergic to Your Dog? Don't Despair – Here's What to Do

December 28, 2022 5 min read

It's one of the most heartbreaking experiences a pet owner can go through – starting to show symptoms of being allergic to their beloved dog. One day your four-legged companion is your closest confidant and pal, and then seemingly out of nowhere, you start sneezing uncontrollably whenever they come near. It can be emotionally devastating for an animal lover who thought their pup was part of the family forever - but all hope is not lost! This post will explore possible causes for sudden allergies in dogs, clinical treatments that might help mitigate symptoms, and other strategies to continue getting along with your dog even if you're allergic. Let's get started.

What are the Causes of Sudden Allergies in Your Dog?

The most common cause of dog allergies is dog dander and dead skin cells shed from your dog's coat. It can be found in the fur, saliva, urine and feces of all dogs. These allergens are also quite resilient – they can linger in carpets and fabrics for months after being shed! Other triggers for dog allergies include dog food, dog bedding and any materials your dog may be in contact with.


 This means that if you've recently acquired a new dog or added a puppy to the family, it's possible that this sudden change has caused a reaction in your body and is causing an allergic reaction. Or if you've recently changed dog food brands, dog bedding or any other materials your dog comes in contact with, that could also cause the sudden allergy.

What are the symptoms of Sudden Allergies in Your Dog?

Typically dog allergies manifest in the same way as other common allergies, such as hay fever or asthma. Symptoms can include:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose and eyes
  • Itchy, red skin rashes and hives
  • Wheezing and difficulty breathing in some cases

These symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on an individual's sensitivity and the dog's allergen level. It's important to note that if your dog is showing any of these signs, it may not be a sudden allergy – there could be other underlying health conditions at play here. Contact your veterinarian right away if you're concerned.

How to Treat & Manage Sudden Allergies in Your Dog?

To manage dog allergies, the first step is to identify and eliminate any potential triggers or allergens. If it appears that a new dog or puppy causes your dog's sudden allergies, it will be important to keep them away from the dog. This can be difficult, so if you have a yard or garden that is fenced off, this could be a good solution for keeping the dog apart.


Other potential solutions for managing sudden dog allergies involve using over-the-counter antihistamines or administering allergy shots by a veterinarian. The best way to determine which treatment is right for you and your dog is through an allergy test, which will reveal any sensitivities and help you decide on the best course of action.

Medical Treatments for Your Dog Allergies!


If the above lifestyle changes and home remedies aren't enough to manage dog allergies, then it may be time to consider more clinical treatments.

1. Allergy Shots:

Allergy shots are an effective way to reduce dog allergens over time and can be administered by your veterinarian. The process involves exposing your dog to small amounts of the allergen to help its body become more tolerant and reduce allergic reactions.


2. Antihistamines:

Antihistamines can also be used to reduce dog allergens and alleviate symptoms. Your veterinarian may recommend using over-the-counter antihistamines such as Benadryl or Claritin. These medications can be taken orally or administered as a topical ointment and are generally quite effective at reducing dog allergies.


3. Steroids:

In more extreme cases, your veterinarian may recommend topical or oral steroids to control dog allergies. Steroids can be effective at reducing inflammation and helping to alleviate symptoms, but they should be used with caution and only under the supervision of a veterinarian.


It's important to remember that dog allergies can be tricky to diagnose and manage. If you're finding it difficult to manage dog allergies, talk to your veterinarian and consider allergy testing in order to get an accurate diagnosis and determine the most effective treatment plan.

How to Get Rid of Sudden Allergies in Your Dog Naturally?

 If you'd prefer to try natural remedies for dog allergies before using over-the-counter or veterinarian-prescription medications, there are several things you can do.

  • The first step is to use dog hygiene products designed specifically for allergies, like dog shampoo and conditioner with hypoallergenic ingredients. This will help reduce your dog's dander and saliva, two of the most common dog allergies.
  • It would be best if you also vacuumed your home regularly to remove any dog hair or residue from dog bedding that may be floating in the air. Additionally, it can also be helpful to install air purifiers or high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your home, which can help reduce dog dander and other airborne allergens.
  • It's also important to limit your dog's exposure to allergens by washing their bedding and toys regularly and keeping their fur trimmed.
  • Finally, you can use natural dog supplements like fish oil, omega-3s, and probiotics. These ingredients help reduce inflammation in the dog's body, a common symptom of dog allergies.


By following these simple tips and tricks, you'll be able to get rid of your dog's sudden allergies naturally. Remember, if your dog's symptoms persist or if their allergies are severe and unmanageable, be sure to contact your veterinarian for further advice.

Final Words:

Above all else, it's important to remember that dog allergies don't mean you can't share a loving connection with your dog. With the right management and treatment plan, dog allergies can be managed, and symptoms kept at bay. Furthermore, showing love to your dog with frequent cuddles, brushing their fur, and playing with them outdoors is a great way to establish trust between you and your pup - even if you're allergic! Thanks for reading.



  1. Can you just develop an allergy to dogs? 

Yes, it is possible to develop an allergy to dogs even if you've been around them your entire life. This type of dog allergy is typically caused by an overreaction of the dog's saliva or dander.


  1. What breed of the dog causes most allergies? 

The breeds of dogs that typically cause the most allergies are those with long and thick coats, such as retrievers, poodles, and huskies. All of these dog breeds produce more dander and shed more fur, which can lead to a greater risk of developing dog allergies.


  1. What months are the worst for dog allergies? 

Typically, dog allergies worsen during the spring and summer months when dog dander is more likely to be airborne. If your dog's allergies are especially severe, keeping them indoors and limiting their outdoor activities during these months can be helpful.



Cindy PetsForLife
Cindy PetsForLife

Hello, I'm Cindy, the founder of PetsForLife. I am a true animal lover with 3 cats and 1 dog of my own. My passion for all things pets has led me to create a unique collection of personalized pet gifts. Check out our personalized pet gifts on our website.

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